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My First Channeling Session with Regina Soul Group

My friend, we are here to help you go to a higher level we are Regina we know your heart and want to help you help others. Leah: I have been waiting for you to call me I have so much to tell you I have been studying all this time and waiting for you to call me it is beautiful here and I have been very happy I am sorry that I had to leave so suddenly and hurt Gaston, but I have much to do we need to get much information out to the rest.

there is so much to say and we are so happy you have finally decided to write for us just listen and we will tell you what to write it will be much and will take us a long time to give it all to you but you are ready and we will begin. Relax and don’t be afraid you are ready there is sooo much to say Leah will fill you with her love and energy when you are ready to write each time you will feel her come to you she will say the things in the words that you can understand our language would be too difficult for you and the others we are Regina and you are Regina and we will work together

Leah will tell her story first Johanna, I couldn’t stay any longer there was too much heartache and I had to move on. Gaston was holding me back so I had to find a quick way to leave. I am with my granddaughter, Nicole and we are working together she is such a beautiful soul and I needed to be with her I am so sorry for all the pain I caused by leaving but that is your lessons to learn not my guilt I see that Gaston is happy in his home country and know that my children are suffering from his loss. I sure didn’t want that to happen, but it was his choice my dear friend, I have been with you all along but I had to wait until you were ready to hear me. I am so pleased that Jennifer named her child after me. She is a special child and will need much of the help that her mother is learning to give. Know that you are loved very deeply and your work is very much appreciated on this side. You must keep doing exactly what you are doing and we will help you with more information as time goes by. This is all for now did you feel my hug. We have to go now, but will be back with you shortly. You are in my heart forever my sister. Love and light

we leave you now but you must not give up we are always with you REGINA

I met Leah in Peru and we eventually became sisters more than friends. When she died after a long cancer battle, I was devastated.

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