The last few years before my Mom passed were not very nice. She was addicted to pain meds for 9 collapsed vertebrae and it changed her...
This happened in 2015 when Jana and I were in Florida with my Dad just before he died. We spent one afternoon with Cheryl, my...

Catching up on "my life"
Suffice it to say...I had a quite a journey since I left Calama in 2000. So, I'm going to give the nutshell version! We came back to the...
Sonora Desert Anthropology Field School Experience
Our planet is at war. The Light is warring with the Dark and we are caught in the middle of it. The Light workers are here to help us...
The Haunting Of.....Me?
23 Feb 2014 I watched an episode of The Haunting Of…, like I have watched many others, with the medium Kim Russo and a famous band member....
Snake Meditation Experience
During a guided meditation I saw myself laying across a large rock in Africa. All around me were cobras on the ground at the bottom of...
Download Dream
I awoke from a dream that I had been receiving 12 downloads. I received 6 of them and then was made to wake up because I was being...
Past Life Experience
Past Life Experience Marlize 1211 AD England I was a young woman of middle class, very pretty, blond hair and a healer. I had become...